Diplomacy notify window fixed (selects the ruler of the available diplomacy action) Artifact battle rewards (4 or more) fixed Harbingers of Sickness Event fixed (the player looses the location) Champions of Balor Objective fixed (the location is destroyed at certain options) King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame v1.1.04 The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. Updates to King Arthur II - The Role-playing Wargame have been released. Issues with closing Nether gates at Tier 4 Missing unit skills when received at higher levels than 5th Dal’ Riata battle difficulty and enhanced ability to fight dragons Improved ground units defense against flying units Removed empty Ring of Gorlois recipe from the Encyclopedia (became an acquirable set item)

Player’s units will be at full strength if battle occurs while replenishing losses Fixed hero skill trees (Philbius, Numerius Andronicus) Fixed experience levels for Sir Galahad’s army Added automatic replenishment for Morgana’s core units while questing in the Northern territories Lair creatures acquired in quests no longer limit maximum availability Some of the Morality Lairs allow two units to be recruited Beast Lairs allow two units to be recruited per Lair Fixed missing unit images and artifact icons Increased Leadership value (Warlord class - level up choice) Modified Leadership bonuses of artifacts Fixed some artifact drag and drop issues in heroes’ inventory and Artifact Forge inventory Fixed experience level display and reduced experience required for higher levels Modified skills (Chain lightning, Summon skills, Power of Sacrifice) Fixed crashing battles (Pict armies and Fomorian raiding armies) King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame v1.1.02 Now, those fomorians need a proper beating, so get to it!

Keep telling us about your experiences, and see you on the forums. We are glad so many enjoy the game, and the devs are hard at work ironing out the remaining dents in King Arthur's armor. There is also a Known issues list, i e things being worked on for coming updates. Here is the change log for KAII update 1.102.